Picture of a van sitting in flooded water on the road. There is other vehicles going through water on the road in the background
Picture of a van sitting in flooded water on the road. There is other vehicles going through water on the road in the background

Active Shooter, Alert and Notification Emergency System - Deflection

Product Definition

FastCommand is a centralized communication service that is web-based and accessible via all commonly-used protocols. It enables any authorized user to instantly send a full report with all the regulatory specifications to all pertinent rescue and recovery agencies. At the same time it can be used to manage any internal emergency situation. Being web-based and using universally accepted protocols, it requires no special hardware or software implementation.

FastCommand Deflection Technology

FastCommand uses all the latest technology employed in Internet architecture. The Internet, by design, will continue to operate in any crisis or disaster. The initial intent was to serve as a military crisis communication network, was later adopted and expanded by academia, and is still rapidly bourgeoning into the global network that exists today. Our unique Deflection Technology permits instant redirection of high use marketing sites for disaster purposes. This unique process separates FastCommand from any competition in the industry.

FastHealth Corporation's services reside on a global network. FastCommand is a natural evolution for FastHealth Corporation

The Purpose of FastCommand

In the wake of 9/11 and Katrina, FEMA (under the wing of the Department of Homeland Security) is now mandating compliance with an ever-evolving communication infrastructure. New standards and criteria are unfolding each year. We are FEMA Certified to keep you current with your certification requirements, and at the same time, we provide you with an essential internal and external communication system.

With FastCommand(TM) our intention is to provide you with the simplest possible way to respond in times of need. We keep all required documentation stored digitally in one place, with the fields fully populated. So when the time comes, you are able keep your focus where it is needed. Our network operations center has the latest technology and security so you will always have access to the help you need.

Please contact us for information on how we can help you keep in compliance with the Department of Homeland Security, as well as information about our other essential online services.

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